Authorized Service Warranty and Repair Centre for Home and Commercial Espresso Cappuccino Machines
We understand that when your espresso machine stops working it can be frustrating. Before bringing in your machine give us a call or email. Let us know what the issue is you are experiencing with your espresso machine. In some cases your machine may just need an adjustment, reprogramming or a simple cleaning that can be done by you in the comfort of your own home and save you the trip to our Authorized Service and Repair department.
Shop Cleaning and Maintenance Products
Our website provides an extensive amount of O.E.M. replacement parts for various brands of espresso machines. Cosmetic parts, accessories, Milk frothing attachments as well as mechanical and electronic components. If it is not on our website, send us an email or give us a call and we will do our best to help you find it.
Shop Part Brands
Backed by over 40 years of experience, our In store Authorized Service Department provides Repairs, Service, Warranty and Technical Support for brand name espresso machines such as:
Espresso Coffee machines repairs and service:
Serving Ontario, Greater Toronto Area and Surrounding
Service Centre Address:
140 Woodbridge Avenue, Market Lane.
Vaughan, Ontario. L4L 4K9
Warranty claims and Technical support for products purchased at Northwest Kitchenware please contact:
NOTE from our Service Department:
Do NOT transport espresso machines in freezing cold temperatures. COLD WILL DAMAGE MACHINE
Please be sure to empty any water and coffee grinds from tanks and trays.
We do not accept disassembled espresso machines. Customer must ensure machine be complete /assembled in a condition to conduct initial tests and checks. All working parts that make contact i.e. watertanks, dregdrawers should be included with machine upon drop off.
Northwest kitchenware conducts all repairs using genuine replacement parts. Northwest Kitchenware will NOT install parts provided by customer unless specified otherwise.
Labor rates are $100.00 per hour charge for repairs + cost of parts and taxes. (Does not include cost of maintenance packages)
Northwest Kitchenware will not accept unauthorized shipped espresso machines and/or other products without written authorization by Northwest Kitchenware. Northwest Kitchenware does not provide return shipping services for machines repaired in our service center. All customers are responsible for pick up and/or drop off of items repaired (Walked in to service center).
Shipping costs on items under warranty are also not covered and should be arranged directly with their respective manufacturers.
Northwest kitchenware will only accept product shipped directly from the manufacturer (i.e. Warranty repair)
Northwest kitchenware and accepts No responsiblity on lost or damaged items being shipped to Service department.
Do not transport espresso machines during freezing cold tempuratures: Can cause severe damage.